Ladies ....ok and gentlemen. I think its time we talk about a serious subject.....Undergarments ! Just because they are worn UNDER doesn't mean that they cant be seen on the out side. And at times even if we cant see them on the out side they can really have an effect on how they shape your body. Think about it as a foundation .... A great looking building or home starts out with a good foundation then we build on that. Look at it like a nice smooth concrete slab.

Stop the hunger....booty munchies !! dont let this happen to you or your friends!!
How can I avoid this? Def a samless bikini would of been the best choice here.
( try Victoria Secrets super model no show undies 3/$25 sale right now)
In this case I strongly encourage you to not go out of your house wearing white tights, and if you let your friend or any one you love go anywhere looking like this ....shame on you your a horrible friend! Reason Im showing you this pic is because I wanted to show you something White...White tights ,White LACE undies Wrong!! There a misconception thats if your wearing something white you have to wear white udies...well thats totally wrong. Nude, Nude is the color you should be wearing so that avoid these foundation problems.

Although not the sexiest or comfortable thing to wear ....SPANX really does the job!! It smoothens, slims,tightens,flatten and flatter instantly! It really works miracles Log on to their website for deals ....they now carry apparel, slimming swimwear and couture inspired underwear.
The miracles of spanx- before and after pic!!

This is a great bra its perfect for those low cleavage sexy tops that you feel really uncomfortable wearing because you feel like your going to fall out. Now the boys will be falling out when they see the amazing cleavage that this bra will give you .
A few things to remember ...nude underwear are your best friend ,they have been used in runway shows and photo shoots for years. Foundation and confidence the most important item your closet should never leave home with out it.
peace love and great shoes
E.De Leon
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